
Syksyä RautatiemuseollaKeys to the Rain >

Each human being comes into the world alone, travels through life as a separate person, and ultimately dies alone. Coping with this, accepting it, and learning how to direct our own lives with some degree of grace and satisfaction is the human condition.

− Wikipedia

Asiasanat: ihmisen osa

8.10.2023 · Tekstejä & kuvia

Tommi Salonen
tommi.salonen at iki.fi

Sivuston sisältöä

Wave breaker

Wave breaker

Wave breaker

Anton Tšehovin suomennetut kertomukset



22 kirjankantta hyllystämme

Hyvinkäänkylän Lämpö & Vilu

The Gulf of Mexico is an ocean basin and a marginal sea of the Atlantic Ocean, mostly surrounded by the North American continent.

Denali is the highest mountain peak in North America.


Boycott Trumperica!

The President of the United States of America − undisciplined, unhinged and deranged narcissistic liar
